As a leading Polymers import and distribution company, we at Lila Polymers believe in setting an example for other companies to follow by giving back to society. Only by taking the extra step can we make a positive difference in the world around us. Our CSR initiatives ensure that we make the world a better place for the coming generations, thus reinforcing an image of a socially responsible organisation. Our CSR Policies can be divided into the below key segments.


Lila Polymers is driven to play its part in helping to preserve the environment. In this regard, the company has been investing and attending various conferences related to recycling as well as the circular economy. Such conferences bring together key players and industry experts from across the plastics supply chain.

  • Previously invested and attended conferences consisted of presentations and panel discussion from experts featuring renowned and respected industry leaders and decision-makers. These conferences explore how to combat the environmental impacts of plastics through ideas and discussions on new developments, such as how new emerging technologies add value to recycled materials and enable increased plastic recycling. These conferences also look into improving sustainable manufacturing and best practices.
  • Have ongoing agreement with multiple NGOs and trusts for collection and proper handling of our generated E-waste. We have also implemented energy saving initiatives in our premises such as the installation of energy saving lights.
  • Adopted multiple initiatives within the company such as cleaning the sea of plastic waste and planting trees, which are supported and receive active participation from the whole Lila team.
  • Every year, the entire staff travel out of Mumbai for a social picnic. We choose this place with great care. Not only we enjoy the outdoors, we also take this opportunity to clean the area and conduct small gatherings with the locals to make them aware of cleanliness and the importance of protecting the environment.


At Lila Polymers, we strive to provide quality education to children, with the belief that the children of today are the future of India. Thus, we are involved with multiple charities with the aim to providing access to education to underprivileged children, who otherwise would not have the opportunity to receive any formal education.

  • Sponsored all the educational expenses of multiple children, many of whom are differently abled, be it physical (such as hearing impaired or visually impaired) or mental (such as autism) disability. These children are given the opportunity to receive education and skills that they otherwise would not have direct access to along with extra-curricular activities, therapy, and counselling sessions based on the needs of the children with a focus on value education.
  • Contributed towards the purchase of educational software content and payment of teachers salaries for differently abled children, such as Deaf children. These children are from economically poor families and come from great distances to get the opportunity to receive a formal education.


Here at Lila Polymers, we believe that access to medicine should be a basic human right, and hence we aim to provide support and access to medicine to those who otherwise cannot afford it.

  • Sponsoring Deformity correction surgery for children where the parents of children cannot afford the surgeries for correction of the deformity, with the aim to combat the inequality faced by these children and reduce the preventable challenges that may occur later in life for them, whether it be medical challenges or societal challenges.
  • Sponsored the purchase of medical equipment for multiple Non-Profit Organizations, with the goal of making preventative healthcare and sanitation accessible to those who otherwise cannot afford it.


When it comes to promoting gender equality, we strive to empower women both in and out of business. We aim to do our part in reducing inequalities faced by the most vulnerable people, such as women, children, and senior citizens.

  • Sponsoring Non-Profit Organizations in the field of welfare activities for the Orphan Children and less Privileged Women & Senior Citizens, promoting gender equality, healthcare and working towards eradicating hunger as well as provision of sanitary environments and access to clean drinking water.

We believe that setting a good example begins at home and then spread that to all groups of the community including our business partners.